Police need help finding a convicted sex offender who breached release conditions

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On November 9, 2017, MIHRSOU reported that Quentin Allan Sumner has been arrested and is now in custody

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The Manitoba Integrated High-Risk Sex Offender Unit (MIHRSOU) is looking for help finding a long-term sex offender who is wanted for breaching his release conditions.

Quentin Allan Sumner is wanted on a Canada-wide arrest warrant.

Sumner was declared a long-term offender in 2005 after he was convicted of Sexual Assault, Choke to Overcome Resistance. He was sentenced to a five years supervision order.

In 2007 he was again convicted for another Sexual Assault and the judge, in that case, extended his supervision order to 10 years.

Police say that Sumner did not return to his approved residence and is currently unlawfully at large. He has been assessed as a high risk to re-offend in both sexually and in a violent manner. Police say that all females are at risk.


Sumner is a 40-year-old Indigenous male. He stands 5’9″ tall and weighs about 246 pounds with black hair and brown eyes.

Anyone who knows his whereabouts is asked to call the Manitoba Integrated High-Risk Sex Offender Unit at (204)984-1888.  After hours please contact either the appropriate RCMP detachment or the Winnipeg Police Service at (204)986-6222 or Crime Stoppers at 204-786-TIPS (8477) or toll free at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).



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