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City opens new Valley Gardens spray pad

Winnipeg has created another family spray pad to help residents cool off and have some fun too.

At a cost of about $800,000, the facility will have three zones for tots, families and teens. The project also includes a new playground, swings, benches, picnic tables and bike racks. Pathways, landscaping and fencing were also added.

“Spray pads are an excellent way to enjoy the summer weather – they are fun and free,” said Councillor Mike Pagtakhan, Point Douglas Ward and Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks. “The new Valley Gardens Community Centre spray pad is another great addition to the community, as it will bring families together while promoting physical activity.”Residents of Winnipeg have a new spot to beat the heat this summer, as the new Valley Gardens Community Centre at 218 Antrim Road spray pad was officially opened.



The new facility is located at the Valley Gardens Community Centre at 218 Antrim Road and is fully accessible.

“I look forward to seeing the spray pad used by families and friends in our community,” said MaryAnn Mihychuk, Member of Parliament for Kildonan—St. Paul.

Funding for the project was provided by the city ($250,000), the federal government ($250,000) and the Waterside Development Corporation ($300,000).


You can check out the hours of operations HERE



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