Winnipeg Transit announced Thursday, June 7, 2018, that five additional inspectors will be added to their operations in hopes of improving safety.
Transit Inspectors are former operators who have been trained as enforcement officers to oversee the Public Transit By-law.
“I’m pleased that the Transit Advisory Committee made recommendations to further enhance the Transit security presence, and am supportive of these additional initiatives,” said Councillor Matt Allard, Chairperson of the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works.
The Transit Advisory Committee recommended that in addition to additional inspectors that Winnipeg Transit open discussions with Winnipeg Police about possible future involvement of the Bear Clan in transit safety initiatives.
Winnipeg Transit is also in the midst of a pilot training program in association with the Main Street Project to increase awareness of mental health and addictions. It is hoped that the training will reduce conflict and improve safety on the transit system.
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