Manitoba premier calls on BC government to abandon opposition to Trans Mountain Pipeline

On Thursday, April 12, 2018, Manitoba Premier, Brian Pallister, called on the government of British Columbia to abandon its opposition to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline.

Over the weekend Kinder Morgan issued a statement that it would be suspending non-essential spending on the project until May 31, 2018, and that the project may be abandoned after that date.

“Canada has a process for review and approval of projects such as the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion,” said Pallister.  “It is a process that ensures all points of view be heard and fairly considered.  It’s important to respect that process and especially important that governments respect the process.


RELATED  |  Premier Pallister weighs in on Alberta-B.C pipeline squabble


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he will be cutting a trip to Peru short in order to meet with Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and British Columbia Premier John Horgan on Sunday in Ottawa.

Pallister said in a statement that it is in the national interest for the project to be completed.

[jaw_quote author=”Brian Pallister” ]I am today calling upon the British Columbia government to end its obstruction of the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion[/jaw_quote][jaw_clear]

“Standing up for people does not mean standing in the way of a fair process,” the premier said.  “That’s not leadership.  It shows a lack of respect for our systems and for the values of our country.  The rule of law must be respected.

The Trans Mountain Pipeline was approved in 2016 by both the National Energy Board and the federal cabinet.

Pallister called out the B.C. government and said “If past governments took the same approach as the British Columbia government is taking now, we wouldn’t have a transcontinental railway.  We wouldn’t have the Trans-Canada Highway or any number of other projects of national importance.”

The Manitoba premier said that the Government of Canada should take all steps within its jurisdiction to ensure this project is completed.


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