Train derailment west of Winnipeg near Rosser

Just after 6:00 pm on Tuesday, May 29, 2018, a CP Rail train derailed just west of Winnipeg

According to Police, approximately 30 cars left the tracks just south of Winnipeg but officials with CP say that the number is closer to 13. The train was an inter-modal carrier that carries standardized shipping containers, often stacked two high on flatbed rolling stock.


[jaw_google_map latitude=”49.980296″ longitude=”-97.407858″ description=”Train Derailment” zoom=”8″ maptype=”HYBRID” latitude_origins=”” longitude_origins=”” latitude_destination=”” longitude_destination=”” maptypetravel=”DRIVING” height=”400″ marker=”1″ description_open=”start” controls=”0″ disabledoubleclickzoom=”0″ scrollwheel=”0″ dragable=”0″ waypoint=”0″ ][/jaw_google_map][jaw_clear]


The cause of the derailment is not known. CP Rail says that crews are on scene and have begun the process of cleanup.

Provincial Roads 221 and 334 are closed in the area of the derailment.

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada is sending investigators to the scene

There were no injuries as a result of the derailment and there are no public safety concerns.


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