With extreme temperatures and high humidity in the forecast here are some things to consider to help you stay cool.
1. Hydration is key
Hydrating at frequent intervals is critical, rather than waiting until you’re at your maximum thirst.
As soon as you become thirsty stop and take a drink.
2. Drink cool – not cold – water
3. Start early
If you’re working outside, try and get started before the sun is too high. Think about taking a break when the sun is at its peak.
4. Stay wet
If you notice somebody has stopped sweating, it is the first sign of heat exhaustion. Have that person sit in a cool shaded area and sip water (don’t chug it down). Allow your body to cool down before getting back out there.
5. Dress strategically
Light clothing and colours, long sleeves, covering up actually helps you stay cooler because less of your skin is exposed to the sun and therefore able to sweat more easily.
6. Avoid over exertion
Before you get out there getting physically active in extreme heat consider the risk of heat stroke. Might be time to reschedule.
7. Pets
Pets like humans suffer in extreme heat… make sure you hydrate your pet when it is outside.. Pets should have access to clean fresh water at all times. NEVER EVER LEAVE YOUR PET INSIDE A VEHICLE WITHOUT SUPERVISION – Heat can be fatal to pets.
Each year hundreds of people die in Canada due to heat.