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Three schools linked to variants of concern cases

93 new cases of COVID-19 identified in the province today. Two cases have been removed due to data correction. This brings the net-new number of cases today to 91. One death was reported due to the virus.

The person who died has been identified as:

  • a male in his 30s from the Northern health region.

The five-day test positivity rate is currently 4.7 per cent provincially and 3.5 per cent in Winnipeg.

The total number of lab-confirmed cases in Manitoba is 33,176.

Today’s cases are from the following health regions:

  • one case in the Interlake-Eastern health region;
  • 29 cases in the Northern health region;
  • 14 cases in the Prairie Mountain Health region;
  • 10 cases in the Southern Health–Santé Sud health region; and
  • 39 cases in the Winnipeg health region.

There are currently 1,127 active cases of COVID-19 in Manitoba with 31,130 people listed as recovered.

136 people are being treated in the hospital of which 58 are considered infectious. 21 people with the virus are in Intensive Care Units with 10 of them still considered infectious.

The total number of confirmed variant of concern cases of B.1.1.7 is 63 and B.1.351 is 13, bringing the total number of confirmed variant of concern cases to 76.

919 Manitobans have died since COVID-19 first arrived in the province.

2,130 tests were completed yesterday. Since the virus first arrived in February 2020, there have been 559,430 tests completed.

O.V. Jewitt and Ecole Tache in Winnipeg as well as Pine Ridge Elementary in Winkler have been linked to variant of concern cases. Letters have been sent out to advise of possible exposures. All close contacts and their households are self-isolating said Dr. Jazz Atwal, acting deputy chief provincial public health officer.

LINK | Manitoba COVID-19 Dashboard


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