RCMP were involved in a multi-vehicle collision that took the lives of three people.
Just before 5:30 pm on February 14, 2018, RCMP say that two of their members were travelling southbound on Highway 10 in a marked police cruiser when a northbound SUV lost control and rolled over into their lane.
Police say the SUV struck a car directly in front of their cruiser then struck their car.
The driver and passenger, a 67-year-old female and a 51-year-old male both from the RM of Glenella-Lansdowne died at the scene.
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A 56-year-old female passenger in the vehicle directly in front of the police cruiser also died at the scene she was from Waywayseecappo, MB. Three other people in that car were injured and taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
Neither police officer in the cruiser was seriously injured according to a statement from the RCMP.
Police say that three other vehicles were involved in the collision and three other people suffered minor injuries and were taken to hospital.
RCMP say that at the time of the collision road conditions may have played a factor.
RCMP Traffic Analysts, RCMP Coordinated Collision Investigation Team, along with Spruce Plains RCMP and Westman RCMP Traffic Services attended the scene.
The investigation continues.
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