Third dose COVID-19 vaccine eligibility expands

Manitoba has expanded who is eligible to receive a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

Individuals who only received a viral vector vaccine such as the AstraZeneca (two doses) or the Janssen (single dose) are eligible to get a MRNA vaccine such as Moderna or Pfizer six months after they received their last immunization shot. The additional vaccine is available at any vaccine clinic, participating medical clinic or pharmacy.

The province say that approximately 6,800 Manitobans received only viral vector vaccines.

The third dose is recommended for health-care workers, including volunteers, who have direct contact with patients, residents and clients. First Nation health-care workers, such as traditional healers and knowledge keepers are also included in the recommendation. There are about 50,000 health-care workers in the province.

A prescription is not required for anyone who is eligible to receive a third dose of the vaccine.

© 2021


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