King Yeung was denied bail Thursday.
Between 2009 and 2012 King Yeung, an instructor at a Taekwondo Academy on McPhillips, allegedly was inappropriately touching one of his female students 2 to 3 times per week. When the assaults began the victim was under the age of 16.
Police arrested Yeung on May 4,2016 and charge him with Sexual Assault – Child Abuse, Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Interference, Corrupting Morals,
Invitation to Sexual Touching.
A second victim contacted WPS about similar incidents that began in 1998. The second victim was also a student at the Taekwondo Academy. Between 1998 and 2004, the victim was inappropriately touched and sexually assaulted by the same instructor.
As a result of the investigation Mr. Yeung was re-arrested and charged with second counts of Sexual Assault – Child Abuse, Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Interference, Corrupting Morals, Invitation to Sexual Touching.
A third and forth victim have also come forward and police have laid additional charges.