Late-night collision between transit bus and SUV

No one was injured in a collision between a Winnipeg Transit Bus and a mid-sized SUV.

Winnipeg Transit bus involved in a collision with an SUV Dec 20, 2019 (Robb Mitchell / News 4)

It happened around 11:30 pm in the intersection of Ellice Avenue and Vaughn Street on Friday, December 20, 2019.

The front bumper was torn off the SUV involved in a collision with a Winnipeg Transit Bus at Ellice Avenue and Vaughn Street late Friday night (Robb Mitchell / News 4)

A Transit official told News 4 that the driver of the SUV allegedly tried to run the traffic light when he saw it turn yellow and clipped the front bumper of the bus. The bus continued forward with the SUV ending up stopped against the transit vehicle.

Winnipeg Police are investigating the collision

© 2020


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