Province announces plans to make South Perimeter Highway safer

The South Perimeter Highway Safety plan was announced today, October 12, 2018, by the province and included a number of construction projects that will improve traffic flow.

“The south Perimeter is one of the most important economic corridors in Manitoba and increased traffic movement means steps must be taken to improve safety,” said Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler.

Part of the plan calls for the construction of a service road from Oakland Road to Wilkes Avenue and improving the service road that connects Brady Road to the Perimeter.

Access points at 24 locations between Fermor Avenue to Portage Avenue controlled by stop signs will also see changes that will close medians and left turn lanes.

Schuler also said that the first roundabout on a provincial highway at PTH 2 and PTH 3 will be opened next week.

The minister said that this plan is the first step in a long-term plan to turn the South Perimeter into a highway similar to U.S. interstate highways that have no traffic control lights.

The province is spending about $19 million on the first phase of the project expected to be completed by 2022.


© 2018 News 4





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