An extra hours sleep on Sunday, time to set back the clocks

It’s November and besides meaning that shopping days left til Christmas are getting fewer it also means that it is getting darker earlier.

On the upside, we do get an extra hours sleep Sunday night!

At precisely 2:00 am time in Manitoba moves back an hour to 1:00 am as daylight savings ends.

Daylight savings runs from the second Sunday in March until the first Sunday in November.

How did it all start?


Daylight savings (DST) was implemented as a way of moving one hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. By doing so the need for artificial lighting was lessened and thus saved electricity.

Although Germany is often credited with being the first to use DST  in 1916 as a cost-cutting measure it was actually residents of Port Arthur, Ontario (Thunder Bay) who were the first to move their clocks forward creating the world’s first DST on July 1, 1908.


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