Manitoba’s chief provincial public health officer, Dr Brent Roussin, announced on Wednesday that Santa has been declared an essential worker in Manitoba.
Roussin took time during the COVID-19 media briefing to talk directly to children who may have been viewing. He said that he knows there are lots of rules to follow and COVID-19 has been hard but it is important to follow the rules to protect us and the people around us.
Roussin went on to tell the younger viewers that he has been working with Premier Brian Pallister and others in the government to ensure Santa would be able to come to Manitoba and work safely.
“Santa Claus is certainly an essential worker, which means that he is allowed to travel throughout Manitoba and able to come to anyone’s house,” said Roussin
Once again this year kids of all ages can follow Santa’s trek around the globe, including in Manitoba, by visiting the NORAD Santa Tracker.
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