Sants Bus making the rounds til Christmas Eve

For the next 12 days, you can hop on the Santa Bus and donate to the Christmas Cheer Board.

Winnipeg Transit will once again operate the special bus like it has been doing every year since 1985. Besides the ability to donate all cash fares from the bus will also be given to the charity.

The Santa Bus will be travelling around the city between December 12 and December 24, 2018.

Last year, $9,624.80 was raised.


You can text "bus 142" to 287098 to see where the Santa Bus is running (News 4)
You can text “bus 142” to 287098 to see where the Santa Bus is running (News 4)


If you want to know where the bus is you can text 287898 on your mobile device, enter Bus 142, then hit send. You will get a text back in seconds telling you the route the bus is on that day.


© 2018 News 4





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