Province to build roundabout at intersection of highways 2 and 3

The Province of Manitoba announced Thursday, March 22, 2018, that they will be constructing a roundabout at the intersection of Highway 2 and Highway 3 just south of Oak Bluff.


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“The volume of traffic has created long lines as well as unsafe merging and crossings.  This roundabout is the product of a thorough design process, taking into account speed, driver comfort, future growth and oversized loads,” said Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler.

The roundabout will be the first on a Manitoba highway and it is expected to manage the more than 10,000 vehicles that will use it daily.

The minister pointed out that studies show roundabouts can reduce fatal collisions by 90% and injuries by as much as 76%.

Schuler said that maintenance costs will also be reduced compared to using traffic signals.

The province expects the project to go to tender this spring and be completed later this year.

During the same announcement, the province also said that they will be beginning consultations to improve safety along the south Perimeter Highway.


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