Ron Schuler no longer in cabinet, new infrastructure minister appointed

Springfield-Ritchot MLA Ron Schuler is no longer the minister for Infrastructure.

Premier Heather Stefanson made the announcement late Thursday afternoon, December 30, 2021, but did not give a reason for the change.

The current central services minister, Reg Helwer, has been appointed to take over the infrastructure responsibilities as well as being the minister responsible for the Emergency Measures Organization.

Ron Schuler (File)

In a media statement Stefanson said ““I am confident in Minister Helwer’s ability, dedication and leadership skills to take on the new role as Manitoba faces a surge in COVID-19 cases and Manitobans are asked to take every possible step to help limit the spread of this virus, including getting fully vaccinated, limiting their close contacts and following the fundamentals and public health orders.”

Stefanson thanked Schuler for his six years as a minister working in various capacities.

Shortly after being sworn in as Premier, Stefanson went on the record and stated that if any tory MLA was not fully vaccinated by December 15, they would be removed from cabinet and caucus.

Schuler was the only MLA who had refused to declare if he was vaccinated, citing at a recent media availability that that information was his personal health information.

After the announcement was sent to the media Schuler took to social media and said “Liberty has its price, today I paid for mine.”

Stefanson note that there will be a cabinet shuffle coming in the new year.

© 2021


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