Manitoba Merv says six more weeks of winter
Groundhog Day dates back to the 1887 when the publisher of the local newspaper in Punxsutawney Pennsylvania began promoting the town’s groundhog as the “Groundhog Day meteorologist”
Since then dozens of rodent weather forecasters have jumped on the bandwagon, each weighing in on the end of winter.
2017 was no different and although most of the famous predictors are claiming an early spring several of the more seasoned marmots saw their shadow and have destined us to six more weeks of winter.
The tradition says that if a groundhog emerges from their lair and sees their shadow then six more weeks of winter are in store. If, however, the little guy does not see it’s shadow then an early spring is at hand.
As with all meteorologists seldom do the furry critters (or puppets) agree. One thing is for sure though, even with six more weeks of winter in Manitoba spring is within sight.
Manitoba Merv sees his shadow this morning. There will be six more weeks of winter in Manitoba.
— Oak Hammock Marsh (@OakHammockMarsh) February 2, 2017
Six More Weeks of Winter!! #punxsutawneyphil #ghd2017
— Punxsutawney Phil (@GroundhogClub) February 2, 2017
Shubie Sam has good news at Shubenacadie Prov. Wildlife park.
— Natural Resources and Renewables (@NS_DNRR) February 2, 2017
So, my prediction is official. I didn't see my shadow so an early spring it is. #officialprediction #earlyspring
— Wiarton Willie (@willieofficial) February 2, 2017