Flood conditions look better but bad weather could change that
Bad weather could play havoc with Spring flooding but the risk of overland flooding is lower than it was in February.
“The province’s Hydrologic Forecast Centre continues to monitor precipitation, spring melt and inflows from the northern United States and the Souris River basin to the west,” said Infrastructure Minister Blaine Pedersen. “At this time, the Souris River basin continues to be of concern while favourable weather conditions have eased expected flows in the Red River Basin. Based on the current outlook, the chance of closing PTH 75 during the spring runoff is low.”
Although the forecast is calling for moderate to major flooding across the province the spring runoff is expected to be fairly normal for all watersheds except the Souris River basin. Forecasters say that the Souris River has above normal to well-above normal runoff potential.
The province anticipates that the Red River Floodway and the Portage Diversion will be activated if weather conditions become unfavourable.
At this time, with unfavourable weather, the outlook suggests:
• watersheds in the southwestern region: major risk;
• Pembina River: moderate to major risk;
• Roseau River: moderate to major risk;
• Assiniboine River: moderate to major risk;
• Eastern region and the Winnipeg River: major risk;
• Interlake region and the Fisher River: moderate risk;
• Red River: moderate risk;
• northern Manitoba/The Pas regions and the Saskatchewan, Carrot and Swan rivers: moderate risk.
“As we approach the spring melt, our number one concern remains the safety of all communities and Manitobans.” Pedersen said.
RELATED LINK | Government of Manitoba Flood Information
The province will provide daily flood information to municipalities once runoff commences which they can use to fine tune flood preparations.
-News4 Staff-