Safety barriers to protect drivers to be tested
A little more than three months after the tragic homicide of Winnipeg Transit operator Irvine “Jubal” Fraser a report outlining ways to improve safety within the transit system is ready.
According to the city the report was prepared by Winnipeg Transit after a consultation process with transit employees, the Winnipeg Police Service and the transit union.
The report recommends that a number of safety enhancements and initiatives be implemented including:
- A pilot project to test bus operator safety barriers,
- A Transit Advisory Committee to review industry practices, assess and determine trends, and recommend strategies to improve safety,
- A “See something, say something” campaign to encourage customers to report undesirable behavior, and
- Stronger reporting procedures with the Winnipeg Police Service to facilitate proactive safety initiatives within the ‘Winnipeg Police Service Smart Policing Initiative’.
- Expansion of the audio/video surveillance system to deter undesirable behaviour and assist with identification, investigation, and prosecution of perpetrators,
- Adding one instructor and three dedicated relief operators to provide additional ongoing training for operators to prevent and diffuse conflict,
- Funding for five additional full time positions, or another source of security presence, to assist operators and passengers and to increase awareness and enforcement of the Public Transit By-law, and
- Four new Point Duty Inspectors to assist operators and passengers at set strategic locations.
Following the February 14, 2017 attack on the driver Winnipeg Transit made a number of changes to improve operator and customer safety such as having an additional inspector on the street each night to deal with issues. Transit also improved response times of inspectors as well as improving their training around by-law enforcement.
On May 30, 2017 the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works will consider the report.
-News4 Staff-