RCMP clock driver going 167 on Trans-Canada Highway

A 17-year-old driver was clocked going 167 kilometres per hour on Highway 1 near the intersection of Highway 5 around 3:15 am on Tuesday morning, October 20, 2020.

RCMP say that an officer spotted the vehicle travelling at an excessive speed and activated their emergency lights to conduct a traffic stop.

As the speeding vehicle attempted to turn onto Highway 5 the driver lost control, shot across the highway and into the east side ditch, he continued up and over the south service road and landed in the ditch on top of a utility box.

Police say the driver from Carberry and two male youths got out of the vehicle. The driver had minor injuries, the two youth were not injured.

Police issued the driver with a Serious Offence Notice and a $927 ticket. The driver’s licence was automatically suspended until he meets with Manitoba Public Insurance.

Officers say that the teens mother drove to the scene to pick him up.

© 2020


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