Public Service culture to change under new strategy, says government

The province today announced a strategy to transform the culture of and improve the public service.

Transforming the Manitoba Public Service: A Strategy for Action has two distinct plans. The first is to transform the work of the public service and a second is focused on building a culture that is forward thinking, creative and results driven.

“To attract diverse and talented employees, Manitoba is creating a modern public service that is dynamic and excited about innovation,” said Premier Brian Pallister.  “We have a shared vision for a strong public service that embraces challenges and places innovation at the heart of its work to improve outcomes for Manitobans every day.”

The premier said that the public service needs to evolve because traditional approaches used in the past are no longer effective.

[jaw_quote author=”Fred Meier” ]In some areas, modernization will transform our work. In other areas, we must dismantle and redesign what we do and how we do it. Innovation is an easy word to say. But it requires risk[/jaw_quote][jaw_clear]

As part of the strategy a system of “balanced scorecards” will be used to report on the effectiveness of public service performance. They are designed to ensure that the work of public servants aligns with government priorities. It is hoped that they will keep the public service on track and focused on outcomes.

Fred Meier, clerk of the executive council said that the strategy will compel the public service to ground themselves in the needs of their clients as well as harnessing the power of innovation to create a new culture within the public service.

“In an increasingly interconnected world of rapidly advancing technology and changing citizen expectations, we can no longer rely on traditional approaches to public administration,” said Meier.

The province says that over the next few months they will also be centralizing the delivery of public consultations to make it easier for the public to engage with government around programs, policies and legislation.


The entire report can be viewed through the link below:


LINK  |  Transforming the Manitoba Public Service: A Strategy for Action




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