Police say vehicle break-ins are up over the past year



Winnipeg Police are warning the public about an increase in vehicle break-ins over the past year but they say that you can do your part in reducing that trend by following a few simple tips.

Here are some things you may want to consider to reduce the chance that your vehicle will be the next to be hit.

Secure your Car
– Park your car in a well-lit and secure area
– Park off the street in your driveway if you don’t have a garage
– Park in a locked garage if possible

Remove all Valuables
– Do not leave any valuables in your vehicle. Take them with you if possible. 
– If not, secure your items in your trunk without being seen.
– Do not leave personal documents such as your registration or driver licence in your vehicle as
it can identify where live and/or be used for identity theft.
– Portable electronics are an especially easy target

Lock Your Vehicle
– Lock your vehicle doors – always physically check to make sure it is locked.
– Close all windows, including your sunroof
 – If you have an alarm system, activate it every time you leave the vehicle even if you are away for a couple of minutes.
– Tradespeople – lock external tool boxes and equipment if they can’t be removed

Police say that if you are a victim it is important to report break-ins even if nothing was stolen. Not only does it put the crime on the record it also helps police determine trends and figure out where they should deploy police resources.
-News4 Staff-

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