Looking to kickstart the post COVID-19 economy the province is shaking up post secondary education by providing courses based on the labour market needs.
Known as the Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy the concept is to anticipate the skills needed by workers in the future by aligning education and training to labour market needs.
“We are proud to launch this strategy to support efforts to create jobs in our new landscape,” said Advanced Education, Skills and Immigration Minister Wayne Ewasko. “As we navigate our way forward, the goal of the strategy is to ensure we have the people with the right skills, talent and knowledge at the right time, to rebound from the effects of the pandemic and support economic resilience and growth.”
Part of the plan is not only to grow a local talent base for various industries but to retain that talent in the province.
“We are confident the Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy will guide efforts to build a system of advanced education that will leverage Manitoba’s strengths, grow the economy and deliver a brighter future for Manitobans,” said Ewasko.
© News4.ca 2021