Preserving and promoting Manitoba’s history recognized with awards

Three Manitobans helping to keep the province’s history and heritage alive are having their efforts celebrated today.  Lieutenant Governor Janice Filmon is presenting them with Historical Preservation and Promotion awards, lauding their long and meritorious service. 

They are:

·       Susan Algie (Winnipeg), full-time volunteer executive director of the Winnipeg Architecture Foundation, who retired from a career in planning with Parks Canada;  

·       James Kostuchuk (Portage la Prairie), chair of the Portage la Prairie Heritage Advisory committee who worked on the award-winning book Historic Photographs of Portage la Prairie: 1870-1939. 

·       Gilles Lesage (Winnipeg), who served as the executive director of the Société historique de Saint-Boniface and the Heritage Centre, working with them for more than 35 years.

Filmon noted the award recipients have protected and preserved historic structures and documents; engaged with and inspired future historians; and shared their knowledge and expertise locally, nationally, and globally.

More information on the award program is available online through the lieutenant-governor’s website at

© 2021

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