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Police nail seven ‘Johns’ during weekend blitz

Winnipeg Police and several community workers including members of the Bear Clan Patrol too to the streets in Project Return between March 16 and March 18, 2018, in an effort to protect youth who are deemed at high risk of being sexually exploited.

Police say that seven men between the ages of 40 and 60 were arrested for buying sexual services and five vehicles were seized under the Highway Traffic Act due to prostitution offences

The patrol also located seven at risk youth during the weekend and say that they were all taken to a place of safety. Police noted that two of the youth were also arrested for outstanding warrants and Failing to comply with Sentence.

Additionally, the group also made 72 Crime Prevention through Social Development contacts to identify and assist those involved in the sex trade
and they handed out 42 Harm Reduction kits/food and/or clothing during the contacts.

Police say that during the project 80 locations known to be frequented by high-risk missing youths were also checked.

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