Police seize guns and drugs on Canupawakpa Dakota Nation

Manitoba First Nation Police (MFNP) raided a home on Canupawaka Dakota Nation on Monday, June 4, 2018, after receiving a tip that a suspect at the residence was in possession of drugs and weapons.

MFNP found drug paraphernalia, Cannabis and multiple weapons in the home.

Police say that they found 11 pellet and airsoft guns along with three machetes. One of the guns was used earlier in the week in the commission of an offence according to investigators.


Manitoba First Nations Police seize drugs and weapons after raid on Canupawaka Dakota Nation south of Virden Manitoba (MFNP)
Manitoba First Nations Police seize drugs and weapons after a raid on Canupawaka Dakota Nation south of Virden Manitoba (MFNP)


The 22-year-old male suspect was not home at the time of the search but was arrested later Monday evening.

He has been charged with Uttering Threats to cause Death, Use of a firearm while Uttering a Threat along with several other weapons-related offences. He was also charged for possession of Cannabis and Breach of Probation.


[jaw_google_map latitude=”49.6298266″ longitude=”-100.9360265″ description=”Canupawaka Dakota Nation” zoom=”7″ maptype=”HYBRID” latitude_origins=”” longitude_origins=”” latitude_destination=”” longitude_destination=”” maptypetravel=”DRIVING” height=”400″ marker=”1″ description_open=”start” controls=”0″ disabledoubleclickzoom=”0″ scrollwheel=”0″ dragable=”0″ waypoint=”0″ g_address=”canupawaka dakota nation” ][/jaw_google_map][jaw_clear]




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