The Winnipeg Police Service’s Counter Exploitation Unit and the Missing Persons Unit, in partnership with Outreach Workers from the Community in Winnipeg (StreetReach, W.O.N. – Winnipeg Outreach Network), initiated a joint project on Thursday, July 28, 2016, with the aim of protecting youth within our city who are at high risk of being sexually exploited.
The operation resulted in the following:
- Four males arrested between ages of 14 and 52 for Purchasing Sexual Services CC 286.1(1)
- 2 Vehicle seized under the Prostitution HTA offence.
- 16 CPTSD contacts (Crime Prevention through Social Development) were made to identify and assist those involved in the street level Sex Trade
- 55 locations known to be frequented by high risk missing youth checked
- Five at risk youth were located with each transported to a lace of safety
- One of these missing youth was arrested for Failing to Comply with Conditions of an Undertaking
The Winnipeg Police Service remains committed to issues surrounding our missing youth and those at risk of sexual exploitation in the community.