Nominations are open for the 2017 Order of Manitoba recipients.

Established in 1999, the Order is the highest honour in the Province of Manitoba. It recognizes individuals who have demonstrated excellence and achievement in any field of endeavour, benefiting in an outstanding manner the social, cultural or economic well being of Manitoba and its residents.


If you know someone who has demonstrated excellence and achievement, and has made a mark on our province and its people, you should consider nominating him or her for the Order of Manitoba. Examples of fields of endeavour recognized by this honour include agriculture, business and industry, volunteer service, education and research, the literary, visual and performing arts, occupational and professional achievement, public and community service. All nominations come from the public, so we rely on citizens like you to submit names of deserving recipients. It’s a special way of honouring individuals you respect and admire for their contributions to Manitoba and its residents.

Nomination form is available here : Nomination form

For more information on the awards visit: Order of Manitoba website


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