For most of us war is something we have experienced through historical accounts, films and journalism but not something we have experienced first hand.




For others, though, war is a tragic memory that haunts them day in and day out.




So why would we want to remember? Wouldn’t it be best to let the past stay in the past?

The answer to that question is no. We need to embrace the past and remember those who laid down their lives so that we can understand the freedom that we live everyday in Canada.

Although there have been many wars in the past century none were as devastating as the first and second world wars. Millions of people from nations around the globe took up arms and fought to defeat tyranny and restore freedom.


Department of National Defence Archives Photographer: Michael M. Dean


Canada saw hundreds of thousands of young men and women volunteer to protect our country and its allies.




Many of us, especially those who were born in peacetime, take for granted our right to participate in cultural, religious and political events without fear of being oppressed. We feel entitled to what was earned by Canadians who went off to war on other continents in the belief that their values and way of life were being threatened at their core.






By remembering the soldiers who served, their sacrifice, their desire to preserve our freedoms we honour their memory. They put themselves in harms way back then so that their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren could live in peace.




On this day of remembrance we remember the courage and sacrifice of all veterans who served our country. We support the current members of our armed forces and we thank our law enforcement and emergency service personnel who like our parents and grand-parents stepped up to give you and I the ability to live in peace.


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.


Robb Mitchell is a Producer, News & Information Programming at News 4 Winnipeg. He has spent hundreds of hours interviewing and travelling with Canadian veterans as they visited the battle fields and cemeteries from the second world war.

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