Officials warn of danger near Winnipeg waterways

“All rivers, streams, ditches and retention ponds within Winnipeg should be considered unsafe at this time,” said Assistant Chief Scott Wilkinson, Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS). “We want all residents to stay away from these surfaces and their banks.”

Officials from the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service and the Winnipeg Police Service are reminding residents that all waterways in and around Winnipeg should be considered dangerous and should not be ventured out on as the ice that is beginning to form is thin and fragile. The services warn that falling into ice-cold water can be deadly.


Although the Winnipeg Police Service River Patrol does place “Danger – Thin Ice” signs in specific areas all bodies of water should be considered unsafe even if a warning sign is not present.

“Avoid areas marked with “Danger Thin Ice” signs, as these are known areas of danger, but falling through any ice-covered body of water could cost you your life. Please take our advice and stay off the ice,” said Ray Duma, Winnipeg Police Service River Patrol Officer.

It is also important to be a responsible dog owner. Pets should be on leashes around the ice to prevent them from chasing geese onto thin ice surfaces.



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