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No tickets issued over social distancing on city property Easter weekend.

The City of Winnipeg says that of the 234 patrols conducted in city owned parks, open spaces and athletic fields since Saturday, April 11, 2020 no fines were issued to people breaking the rules over social distancing.

“I’m very grateful for the vast majority of Winnipeggers who have and continue to respect the public health orders made by the provincial government,” said Mayor Bowman. “It is encouraging to see the positive engagement our Community Service Ambassadors had with citizens over the weekend and no penalties handed out. I hope to see Winnipeggers continue their dedication with these measures as we continue to face this global pandemic together.”

The City’s Community Ambassadors (CSAs) and By-Law Enforcement Officers provided information to a number of people over the weekend and issued 12 verbal warnings over social distancing, 32 warnings to people using closed facilities and one warning to a large group of people. During their patrols they had 819 positive interactions with people.

The city says that 44 CSAs and more than 20 By-Law Enforcement Officers may be patrolling city owned property and facilities at anytime throughout the day.

“While the initial numbers from our enforcement efforts in City parks and open spaces is encouraging, it’s really important that residents continue to put into practice the province’s health and safety recommendations and respect our facility closures,” said Jason Shaw, Manager of the City’s Emergency Operations Centre. “We all have a role to play in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in our community, and we have to keep working together to flatten the curve.”

The city says that anyone who observes individuals breaking the province’s public health orders or using closed city amenities should call 311.

© 2020

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