Night hunting enforcement continues across Manitoba

Manitoba Conservation officers are continuing their enforcement activities of illegal night hunting across the province.

Since October 10, 2020, when the new Wildlife Amendment Act came into force officers have charged or issued appearance notices to 20 people for serious offences. They have issued warnings to 17 individuals for night hunting without a permit or hunting in a moose conservation area and charged for people for possessing illegally taken wildlife.

The latest incidents happened on November 8 and 10th.

On November 8, a property owner near Lundar called the Turn in Poachers line (TIP) to report an elk illegally shot on private land. The tipster provided conservation officers the licence plat number for the truck involved.

Officers investigated and charged the truck’s owner with possession of illegally taken wildlife. The suspect also received a restitution order for $5,000. Officers seized the elk.

On November 10 conservation officers spotted a vehicle near St. Labre using a high powered LED light bar and spot light to hunt from a vehicle.

Officers stopped the vehicle and arrested two men. A 2001 GMC Sierra, a rifle, hunting equipment and two flashlights were seized.

© 2020

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