On January 11, 2019 Winnipeg Police were on the lookout for 26-year-old Chad Williams wanted in connection with a domestic assault. Williams was spotted near Sargent and Maryland but when police approached him he took off running. Police caught up to him about two blocks away.
The suspect was armed with a hatchet. When the male entered an empty lot on Sherbrook just south of Sargent he threatened officer with the weapon.
Police shot the man with tasers but they had no effect. When the suspect pulled his arm back to throw the hatchet three officers fired their sidearms.
The suspect was taken to hospital but died shortly afterwards.
An Independent Investigation Unit probe into the incident cleared the three officers who fired their sidearms.
Dr. John Younes, Manitoba’s Chief Medical Examiner has called an inquest into the death of Williams. The inquest is required under the Fatality Inquiries Act and is to determine the circumstances relating to the death and what, if anything, could be done to prevent similar deaths.
The date of the inquest has yet to be determined.
© News4.ca 2020