Manitoba RCMP Commanding Officer announces retirement

After serving 34 years as a member of the RCMP with the last three as Commanding Officer of the Manitoba RCMP, Assistant Commissioner Jane MacLatchy has announced her retirement.

Assistant Commissioner Jane MacLatchy in an undated photo at the Manitoba Legislative Building (Submitted | Manitoba RCMP)

“My career with the RCMP has brought me across Canada, and three years ago, it brought me to Manitoba,” said A/Commr. MacLatchy. “It has truly been an honour to be the Commanding Officer for the Manitoba RCMP. Over the last three years, I’ve seen countless examples where the nearly 1500 employees of this incredible organization have made positive differences in the lives of Manitobans.  Time and again, they have gone above and beyond to ensure the safety of the communities we so proudly serve in this province. It has been a privilege to work alongside them and see first hand, their commitment and professionalism.”

MacLatchy’s last day in command is set for Friday June3, 2022.

RCMP say the process to select a new commanding officer will begin in the near future.

© 2022

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