On Thursday, November 29, 2018, Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler announced that the province has entered into a contract with Babcock Canada to fight forest fires in Manitoba.
The new contract will see the private company use Manitoba’s existing Water bomber fleet along with equipment and crews provided by second private firm Air Spray.
The minister claims that by outsourcing Manitoba’s wildfire response to a for-profit company it will make the service better.
“It will ensure faster response times, enhanced safety and a superior aircraft maintenance program. It will make Manitoba’s wildfire suppression system even better,” said Schuler.
Manitoba will maintain ownership of its water bomber fleet and it will remain under the direction of Manitoba Wildfire Program staff.
Babcock will be meeting with employees currently involved in fighting wildfires in Manitoba to discuss possible employment opportunities with the company under the new operating structure.
The minister also noted that privatization of the air ambulance services and general transportation services is still underway.
© 2018 News 4