Manitoba Ombudsman investigating privacy breach

An investigation into a privacy breach at Children’s Disability Services (CDS) is being launched by the Manitoba Ombudsman.

On Wednesday, August 26, 2020 CDS staff inadvertently sent an email intended for the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth (MACY) to approximately 100 agencies and advocacy groups. The email contained a spreadsheet with personal information about 9,000 children who are client of CDS including their addresses and diagnosis.

“Personal health information is some of our most sensitive and private information, and we entrust it to government for the purpose of receiving specific benefits or services,” said Ombudsman Jill Perron. “A privacy breach of personal health information can have significant impacts on the affected children and their families. A review of the privacy breach can help an organization strengthen privacy protection practices and adopt preventative measures that will help restore confidence in the program.”  

Manitoba Families blamed the privacy breach on human error.

The investigation will review the circumstances surrounding the breach and ensure the department takes all reasonable steps to respond to the breach and  that it implements the necessary safeguards to protect the privacy of children and their families who receive services from CDS.

© 2020

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