Manitoba launches a dedicated stretcher service in three communities

Manitoba has launched a dedicate strecher service that provides transportation for low-acuity patients in three Manitoba communities. 

This new service will free up ambulances that had traditionally performed this service and often keeping them tied up for extended periods of time putting a strain on that service.

The new service is similar to a contracted service that has operated in Winnipeg for years that transports hospital inpatients and personal care home residents to medical appointments, diagnostic tests or treatment. The new service will operate in Brandon, Mordon-Winkler and Selkirk.

“Establishing a stretcher service in these communities to support stable patients going to appointments or between facilities will allow paramedics and ambulances to focus more efforts on providing life-saving care in the community,” said Health Minister Audrey Gordon.

Patients that are considered very sick will still be transported by ambulance where paramedics may be needed or transfer to a more specialized centre is required.

“With the move to a dedicated inter-facility transport resource, these services no longer need to draw upon our staffed ambulances, keeping them in the communities that rely upon their specialized training and skills in an emergency,” said said Dr. Rob Grierson, chief medical officer for emergency response services, Shared Health.



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