Officer cleared after being accused of perjury

The Independent Investigation Unit (IIU) of Manitoba says an RCMP officer was technically correct in her testimony during a trial in Court of Queen’s Bench and did not commit perjury as the crown prosecutor alleged.

During a 2018 murder trial in Thompson, an RCMP officer was called as a witness for the prosecution to testify to the accused’s level of intoxication. The officer represented herself as a drug recognition expert but failed to disclose she was not certified at the time of the trial.

The crown prosecutor learned that she was not a certified expert and filed a complaint with the RCMP.

Since the officer was alleged to have perjured herself the IIU is mandated to investigate.

During the investigation, the IIU learned that the officer in question had been trained and certified as a drug recognition expert but her certification had expired in 2016.

IIU Civilian Director Zane Tessler that the officer should have made it clear at trial that she was no longer certified but she was technically correct in her testimony. Tessler said there is no indication the officer intended to mislead the court.

As a result of the investigation there is no basis to lay charges against the officer.

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