A Winnipeg Police officer will not face any charges after an 18-year-old woman was allegedly injured during a search in August 2017.
Manitoba’s Independent Investigation Unit (IIU) says that on August 18, 2018, a suspect appeared to suffer a broken collarbone during the search. Police say the woman became aggressive during the search and force had to be used by the officer to subdue her. When the female later complained of a sore shoulder she was taken to hospital. Officers were told that she had suffered a fractured left collarbone.
Several officers who had contact with the woman were interviewed by IIU investigators but the IIU did not talk to the officer involved or the injured female. According to the report the injured female refuse to talk to investigators and also refused them access to her medical records.
Zane Tessler, the civilian director of the IIU noted that investigators were significantly hampered by “lack of medical evidence” and “absence of any direct evidence concerning the interaction between the officer and the woman, particularly the manner of force used by the officer.”
The IIU was unable to conclude if any offence occurred that would justify charges against the officer.
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