[jaw_highlight]STORY UPDATED[/jaw_highlight]
In a statement issued on Wednesday, March 21, 2018, all but one member of the conservative appointed Manitoba Hydro Board of Directors resigned.
The only member not to resign is tory MLA Cliff Graydon.
The resigning members cite on-going attempts to meet with the premier over the past year on critical issues as one of the reasons for the mass resignations.
[jaw_quote author=”” ]For over a year we have attempted to meet with the Premier to resolve a number of critical issues related to the finances and governance of Manitoba Hydro, including matters related to Hydro’s efforts to further develop its relationship with Indigenous peoples.[/jaw_quote][jaw_clear]
“Dispite repeated attempts we have not been able to have a meaningful dialogue with the government and have reached an impasse.” said board chair Sanford Riley.
Dave Brown, Earl Edmondson, Steve Kroft, Jennefer Nepinak, Michael Pyle, Allen Snyder, Dayna Spiring and Dr. Annette Trimbee were appointed shortly after the conservatives came into power in 2016. According to the statement the board was told that the board chair was going to be removed by the government.
“Accordingly we have determined that it is necessary to resign.”
The premier fired back saying that the reason the board resigned was because they had approved “persuasion money” of at least $70 million to the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) for the transmission line project to Minnisota and the government did not agree with it.
President of the MMF David Chartrand said the premier was using the “race card” to try and make a negotiated settlement with his organization and Hydro the reason for the boards resignation. Chartrand said that the MMF will not stand for a new hydro board breaching the former board’s commitments and agreements.
It is expected that the province will appoint a new hydro board fairly soon.
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