Running a restaurant without water, dishwashers not able to sanitize cutlery, pools with inadequate water quality, rodent infestations are some of the reasons Manitoba Health Protection shut down facilities in 2016.
SUSHI MARU on Portage Avenue, for example, was closed for two days this month for “Operator did handle/sell food under insanitary conditions.”
IVORY on Main Street was closed for “preparing food under insanitary conditions.”
NORTH GROCERY STORE in Brandon was cited for “Operate a “food processing plant” without a permit. Handle food under insanitary conditions. Fail to ensure that potentially hazardous foods originate from an approved source. Store food in an improper manner. Operate food handling establishment with poor general sanitation namely fail to keep clean. Fail to maintain safe internal temperature of potentially hazardous foods. Permit article or operation unrelated to operation of food handling establishment to be within the establishment. Handle food/cut meat and fail to provide the required facilities for cleaning and sanitizing equipment. Fail to provide adequate lighting. As proprietor allow meat that has not been inspected and approved in a food handling establishment.”
NATURAL VALLEY PRODUCTS in Elie was cited for “Fail to ensure that potentially hazardous foods originate from an approved source; As the owner, allow meat that has not been inspected and approved in a food handling establishment; Utilize for food in a food handling establishment, meat that is not inspected and approved; Operate a meat processing plant which processes uninspected meat and fail to be in possession of a valid permit.”
The province also inspected and temporarily closed nineteen privately-owned swimming pools and hot tubs that were in apartment buildings and hotels.
The report can be viewed here: