In a study put out by the Canadian Institute of Health Information 67% of heart attack victims and 37% of stroke victims in Manitoba did not use an ambulance to get to hospital in 2014-2015.
This ranks Manitobans in last place when it comes to ambulance use for heat attacks and strokes on a national level. Across Canada the average is only54% of heart attack victims and only 37% of Stroke victims do not use an abbulance to get to hospital.
In 2014–2015 in Canada (excluding Quebec), more than 34,000 patients were admitted to hospital for a stroke and more than 75,000 for a heart attack.
Manitoba has among the highest fees charged for ambulance use. The provincial government, in an election promise, has said they will be reducing the fees.
Overall, stroke and heart attack patients who were less likely to arrive at the hospital by ambulance were younger (under 45), male, living closer to the hospital and residing in a higher-income neighbourhood.
-News4 Staff-