Government to amend how it publishes required notifications


The government introduced legislation on Monday, December 4, 2017, that will amend how public notices have to be published.

Until now certain notices needed to be published in the Manitoba Gazette and printed in newspapers


[jaw_quote author=”Cathy Cox – Minister, Sport, Culture and Heritage” ]We’ve noticed that Manitobans are moving more and more toward online sources to receive their news and information[/jaw_quote][jaw_clear]


Under the proposed government notices modernization act provisions in 24 statutes related to publishing official government notices would be amended.

The Manitoba Gazette, which has been the official government publication and published since 1871 would become an online publication. The current fee structure to access the publication would be eliminated.

The Manitoba Gazette is used to publish government and public notices that are required by legislation or regulation. Things like legal and estate notices, public hearings and name changes are all printed in it.

“We want to remove barriers to the way we share information,” said Sport, Culture and Heritage Minister Cathy Cox. “As the preferred method to share information continues to evolve, we wish to modernize our approach with the Manitoba Gazette to give Manitobans free access to up-to-date information.”

The print version of the Gazette was discontinued in 2014 and converted to a weekly email publication sent to subscribers who paid an annual fee of $100.00.




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