The Manitoba Government has placed the rail relocation task force on hold citing the need to make strategic funding decisions.
In January the government created a task force headed by former Quebec Premier Jean Charest. The task force was to study the relocation of rail yards within the city of Winnipeg and was given initial funding of $400,000.
Indigenous and Municipal Relations Minister Eileen Clarke said the contract with Mr. Charest would be placed on hold pending a review.
To date Manitoba has not paid any monies related to the contract.
Canadian Pacific (CP), Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) and Canadian National (CN) all have rail yards in the city that take up large tracts of land. The CP yards split the city north and south between Logan and Dufferin. The BNSF yards are located between residential areas in River Heights. CN’s yards are located in the east end of the city.
Critics of the yards have been lobbying for years to have the rail operations moved out of the city. They believe that by doing so more land we be opened up for development within the city and the movement of dangerous goods would be reduced through the city.