A 71-year-old motorcyclist is dead after he was hit three times on PR213 near Lornehill Road in the RM of Springfield late Thursday night May 24, 2018.
RCMP say the motorcyclist was first hit from behind by a vehicle being driven by a 16-year-old male. The impact caused the motorcyclist to be thrown off his bike he was then hit by a second vehicle being driven by a 30-year-old female travelling westbound.
[jaw_google_map latitude=”49.974208″ longitude=”-96.955575″ description=”Fatal collision” zoom=”10″ maptype=”HYBRID” latitude_origins=”” longitude_origins=”” latitude_destination=”” longitude_destination=”” maptypetravel=”DRIVING” height=”600″ marker=”1″ description_open=”start” controls=”0″ disabledoubleclickzoom=”0″ scrollwheel=”0″ dragable=”0″ waypoint=”0″ g_address=”Lornehill road, PR 213, manitoba” ][/jaw_google_map][jaw_clear]
Police say that they believe that the man was then hit a third time by a vehicle travelling eastbound on PR 213. The driver of the third vehicle did not stop and has not yet been identified.
Anyone with information about the identity of the third driver is asked to call police at 204-444-3847
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