Fatal accident claims the life of 88-year-old female driver near Vita

RCMP responded to a single vehicle rollover just west of Vita, Manitoba, about 115 kilometres south-east of Winnipeg.

Police say that just before 2:00 pm on Saturday, October 21, 2017, a Ford pick-up truck was travelling south on Road 38E when the driver lost control. The vehicle rolled and ended in the ditch. The 88-year-old female driver was ejected from the vehicle during the incident and died at the scene.



[jaw_google_map latitude=”49.126078″ longitude=”-96.584097″ description=”Single vehicle fatal rollover, October 21, 2017″ zoom=”9″ maptype=”HYBRID” latitude_origins=”” longitude_origins=”” latitude_destination=”” longitude_destination=”” maptypetravel=”DRIVING” height=”600″ marker=”1″ description_open=”start” controls=”0″ disabledoubleclickzoom=”0″ scrollwheel=”0″ dragable=”0″ waypoint=”0″ ][/jaw_google_map][jaw_clear]



An investigation indicates that the driver was not wearing her seatbelt. Police say that speed and alcohol did not play a part in the accident.

The investigation is continuing.


-News 4-


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