Police pull $27K in drugs off the street during raid

A Controlled Drugs & Substances Act search warrant executed by Winnipeg Police has pulled out of circulation more than $27,000.00 worth of drugs destined for the street.

On Saturday, May 26, 2018, officers raided a home in the 1300 block of Spence Street.

During the raid, police seized items used in packaging drugs, a money counter and a large number of drugs including 2,903 grams of benzocaine, 266 grams of cocaine, 103 ¼ gram pieces of crack cocaine, 70 grams of marijuana, 158 Percocet pills and 309 Gabapentin pills.

Barry Allan Courchene, 35 from Winnipeg, has been charged for his alleged involvement with a number of drug trafficking-related offences.

He was detained in custody.

© 2018 News 4, a DigiPix Media Group company





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