Driver of SUV charged in fatal two-vehicle collision

A 17-year-old male from Winnipeg is facing charges after the SUV he was driving allegedly entered the intersection of Highway 8 and Highway 230 and collided with a truck pulling a camper.

Police say the impact of the collision forced the truck into the ditch where it rolled. A 20-year-old male in the truck was pronounced dead at the scene. a 44-year-old female passenger was taken to hospital with serious injuries. The 46-year-old male driver and a 20-year-old female were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

The driver of the SUV suffered minor injuries. He was arrested by officer and charged for his alleged involvement with Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle Causing Death and Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle Causing Bodily Harm.

RCMP continue to investigate

© 2022

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