Witnesses sought in Donald Street attempted robbery

Winnipeg Police are looking for witnesses, who may have seen an attempted robbery, to come forward.

On December 8, 2017, just before 8:00 pm, a woman was walking in the 300 block of Donald Street when a man came up from behind her knocking her to the ground. The suspect then tried to grab her purse. When he was unable to get the purse away from the victim he took off.

A still image from surveillance shows attempted robbery as it occurs below the suspect is standing over the victim in the top right corner.
A still image from surveillance shows attempted robbery as it occurs. The suspect is standing over the victim in the top right corner. (supplied/WPS)


Police believe that several people were in the area at the time of the attempted robbery and may have seen it. Investigators from the Major Crimes Unit are asking witnesses to contact them at 204-986-6219

The suspect is described by police as a Caucasian male in his 30’s with a medium build. He is approximately 5’10” tall, weighing about 160 lbs. He was wearing a black toque with flames around it, a black jacket with “CANADA” written in red letters on the back and dark jeans.




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